Bone decalcification (osteoporosis) is one of the biggest health problems especially in the elderly and women population. Many elderly people break their bones more easily when they fall because of bone decalcification; the hip is the most notorious in this respect. The onset of osteoporosis is partly due to a lack of movement, which causes muscles to gradually weaken, the circulation to diminish and the bones to be inadequately used. In addition, as a result of the ageing process, the body produces fewer hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and growth hormone. Yet it is exactly these hormones, which play such an important role in the maintenance of strong bones.
The advice usually given to sufferers of this disease is to take more exercise, but that is difficult when muscles are weak, particularly in the legs. The NEMES BOSCO-SYSTEM offers a good alternative to vigorous impact exercise: through vibration the muscles automatically become stronger and regain their tone. The circulation improves because the blood vessels in the legs are wide open due to the vibration. At the same time, the pulsation gives a direct stimulus to bone tissue, which in turn stimulates the production of new bone tissue.
Scientific research shows that vibration training can help against osteoporosis. Recent findings show that even after only one vibration treatment, there is an increase in the hormone testosterone and growth hormone, which are so essential for strong bones.

Parkinson's Disease is an example of a deficiency in dopamine, which is the reason that L-Dopa is given as medicine. It is also recognized that serotonin plays a role in our mood, or frame of mind. A shortage of serotonin in the brain can lead to depression, which is the reason that Prozac is given as a medicine in order to increase the serotonin content in the brain. From research, it appears that vibration training also influences the neurotransmitters and the way in which they work. Vibration training increases the serotonin content in the brain, which could possibly explain why one feels so well after vibration training.
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