It has been demonstrated that vibration drives alpha-motoneurons via the la loop producing force without decreasing motor drive (Rothmuller and Cafarelli, 1995). Although it has been suggested that the vibration reflex, like the tendon jerk reflex, operates predominantly or exclusively on alpha motoneurons and does not utilise the same cortical originating efferent pathways as are used when performing voluntary contractions (Burke et al. 1976). It cannot be excluded that vibration treatments can also affect voluntary movements. These suggestions are supported by the present findings. In fact the EMG recorded in the biceps brachii of the experimental group in the study conducted on boxers showed a significant enhancement (P<0.001).

The concept of Neuro-Muscular Mechanical Stimulation (NEMES) is based on this brilliant intuition on how to use existing natural forces to improve our condition. Today this is the name of one of our innovative product lines based on the use of mechanical vibrations. Quickly a number of researches demonstrated the extraordinary effectiveness of this method bringing though also to light the importance of dosing the stimulation and the protocols on the base of highly individually characterized responses (Bosco et al., Biology of Sport, 15, 1998) (Bosco et al., Eur J Appl Physiol 79, 1999(Bosco et al., Clincal Physiol, 19, 1999) (Bosco et al., Eur J Appl Physiol, 81, 2000)And it is through these last researches that the patent that differentiates the NEMES products originates. The NEMES products are the only machines in the world equipped with an advanced system able to detect the muscular response to vibration through electromyography (EMG) and to identify the optimal vibration frequency for each subject.
From the studies on vibration emerges also the great stimulation that this method induces on bone tissue making it an optimal candidate for the prevention and cure of pathologies like osteoporosis. These studies open the road to a definition of new methodologies of training based on deep physiological knowledge.
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